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4 Causes of Morning Breath & How to Treat Them

February 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drennanfamily @ 3:12 pm

Morning breath, which is a form of halitosis, typically begins from bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria break down those particles, which leaves foul-smelling chemicals in your mouth. This can cause you to feel self-conscious about how your breath smells when you first wake up in the morning. There are several potential causes of morning breath, so keep reading to learn about four common ones and what you can do to combat them.

#1: Tobacco Use

An incredibly common cause of bad morning breath is tobacco use. Smoking cigarettes and chewing tobacco go hand-in-hand with foul-smelling breath for a variety of reasons. One reason is that it makes you more likely to develop gum disease and cavities, both of which have bad breath as a side effect. It can also lead to dry mouth.

Speak with your dentist, doctor, or therapist if you need help quitting. They can give you materials and steps to cut this bad habit out of your life. Additionally, reach out to friends and family for support.

#2: Food

Foods like garlic, certain spices, onions, and some cheeses are notorious for causing bad breath. That’s because they leave particles in your mouth that can release foul-smelling gases in your mouth while you’re asleep.

However, this doesn’t mean that you have to stop eating your favorite foods. Just make sure to drink plenty of water while eating these and other smelly foods to help prevent them from making your breath smell as bad.

#3: Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs when your salivary glands aren’t producing enough saliva. This allows bacteria to accumulate in the mouth, which makes you more likely to develop oral health issues like cavities, gum disease, and mouth sores. Dry mouth also allows smelly bacteria to linger, therefore worsening your morning breath.

If you’re struggling with dry mouth, make sure to drink plenty of water. Additionally, speak with your dentist so they can help you determine the cause and the best way to treat it.

#4: Poor Oral Hygiene

Brushing and flossing your smile twice per day is key to preventing oral health issues. You also need to floss between your pearly whites at least once per day. This will remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles. Failing to do this raises your risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems that can cause your breath to smell bad.

Be sure to brush for two minutes each time. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to prevent enamel damage. Additionally, use toothpaste that contains fluoride to keep your smile strong.

About the Practice

Led by Dr. Terry L. Drennan, Drennan Family Dentistry aims to treat patients of all ages with the effective, comfortable, and high-quality care they deserve. They offer a range of different treatment options to improve your smile, including Invisalign. If you’re interested in correcting only one arch of your teeth, they can perform an examination to decide if that’s the right choice for your smile. If you’re ready to make an appointment with Drennan Family Dentistry or want to learn more, call their office at (817) 790-9788 or visit their website.

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